Kirby Institute Short Courses 2015

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Our successful short course program is back for 2015.  The Kirby Institute is pleased to be offering three short courses from October - December. Registration will open on Wednesday 1 April. Mark the date in your calendar now and register early so you don't miss out.


The Kirby Institute,
Wallace Wurth Building, UNSW Australia,
Sydney NSW 2052

Delegates: $1,200 per course
Students: $600 per course


1)    Evaluating the impact of public health programs

Convenors: Dr Richard Gray
Course dates: 12-15 October 2015

This course will provide you with an introduction to the principles and methodologies used to evaluate the impact of public health programs. The course includes an overview of the design of empirical evaluations, epidemiological modelling and health economics calculations used to interpret the effectiveness of public health programs using practical examples from the HIV field.  

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2)    Infectious diseases epidemiology: from theory to practice  

Convenor: Dr Iryna Zablotska
Course dates: 23-26 November 2015

This course will provide you with an introduction to infectious disease epidemiology and the application of epidemiological tools and methods in identifying, preventing, and controlling infectious diseases (particularly HIV/AIDS and other STI) to improve public health. Case-studies focus on epidemiology of blood borne and sexually transmissible infections. It will provide you with a basic understanding of transmission, current epidemiological issues in the Asia and the Pacific region and methods to address them.

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3) Introduction to applied biostatistics

Convenor: Dr Janaki Amin
Course dates: 30 November - 3 December 2015

This course gives you an easy to understand introduction to statistical concepts, their use and relevance in clinical research and public health. It covers ways to describe and summarise data, concepts of statistical inference and hypothesis testing and commonly used statistical tests. The course will cover the appropriate application, calculation and interpretation of statistical tests. You will be trained to use Stata to perform these analyses.

Registration closed

Coming in early 2016  - Clinical Trials short course. More information will be available in coming months.