Our teams of highly skilled, passionate people work across a broad range of research traditions that span the full spectrum of care – all the way from the lab to impacted individuals and communities. This unique approach allows us to attack infectious disease from every angle and maximises our chances of success.
For ongoing strategic growth and development of the Kirby Institute, we have identified and recognised four broad areas of research strength within which our Research Programs are grouped. Each Theme is led by a Theme Director, who provides high level executive oversight on matters of strategic and operational significance.
Basic Science and Pathogenesis
Understand infectious diseases and their behaviour at the cellular and molecular level in order to develop tests, vaccines and treatments.
Research programs:
- Immunovirology and Pathogenesis Program
- Infection Analytics Program
- Viral Immunology Systems Program
Theme Director: Professor Miles Davenport
Clinical Trials and Therapeutic Interventions
Develop and assess therapeutic interventions for maximum individual and community impact.
Research programs:
- Biostatistics and Databases Program
- Therapeutic and Vaccine Research Program
- Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program
Theme Director: Scientia Professor Gregory Dore
Populations and Prevention
Working with populations that are most impacted by infection, we study community knowledge, behaviours and barriers to inform effective and accessible solutions.
Research programs:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program
- HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program
- Sexual Health Program
- Viral Hepatitis Epidemiology and Prevention Program
Theme Director: Scientia Professor Andrew Grulich
Public Health
Design evidence-based programs that are implemented in a way that maximises successful health outcomes for all.
Research programs:
Theme Director: Professor Rebecca Guy