Scientist honoured for progressive research

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The Kirby Institute’s Associate Professor Mark Boyd has been honoured with the 2014 Frank Fenner Award for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases by the Australiasian Society of Infectious Diseases (ASID). The prestigious award celebrates distinguished contributions to Australian research in microbiology by scientistis in a formative stage of their career.

Mark’s broad research interests in the field of HIV/AIDS include the conduct of interventional clinical trials to provide the evidence for its optimal management across high, middle and low-income countries. Other interests include tuberculosis and in particular HIV/TB co-infection as well as investigation of antiretroviral toxicity and the bioethics of the conduct of research trials. Mark is the author of more than 40 articles in the scientific peer-reviewed literature as well as five book chapters. He is currently the President Elect of the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM).

“This award is a great honour for Mark and the Kirby Institute," says Professor Basil Donovan, head of the Sexual Health Program at the Kirby Institute. "Mark has demonstrated great capacity to further the clinical science in HIV medicine and to translate this science into improved management of people living with HIV globally.”

The award is named in honour of Professor Frank Fenner – An Australian pioneer of viral research who played a central part in the global eradication of smallpox. Professor Fenner chaired the World Health Organization Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication, was an active member of ASID and was the patron of the society from 2000 until his passing in late 2010.

Find out more about Associate Professor Mark Boyd and his work at the Kirby Institute.



Laurie Legere


+61 413 476 647
