Kirby Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health artwork 2022

Statement in response to the Voice referendum

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At the Kirby Institute we supported a Yes vote in the referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

We are disappointed by the results of the referendum. Last week, we respected the Week of Silence called for by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, in solidarity with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, collaborators and friends who supported a Yes vote.

We recognise that the campaigning around the referendum was often divisive, exhausting and challenging for all Australians, and particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. For many the result has prompted a period of mourning and grief. Our full support is with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities at this time.

At the Kirby Institute, we are proud to conduct a significant amount of our research in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As an Institute, we accept the result, and will take time to reflect on its meaning and significance, and on what we can do next to continue and strengthen our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' equitable access to health care, as well as a pathway to healing and self-determination.