Vale Professor James Hakim

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The Kirby Institute joins our colleagues in Zimbabwe in mourning the loss of Professor James Gita Hakim, a global leader in HIV treatment research and our close research collaborator and friend.

He passed away due to complications from COVID-19.

Professor Hakim’s leadership was pivotal to several Kirby Institute trials in HIV therapy over more than a decade, including most recently our multinational second-line HIV treatment trial, D2EFT. He was also a site leader for our study of COVID-19 in people with HIV, COHIVE.

James Hakim receiving his doctorate from UCL in 2016Professor Hakim receiving his doctorate from UCL in 2016

“These projects form just a small part of Professor Hakim’s professional legacy,” says A/Prof Mark Polizzotto, who worked closely with Professor Hakim for many years. “Professor Hakim’s insight and intellect were critical to numerous important HIV trials conducted through the unit he both developed and led.

“He was a great physician, scholar, teacher and a true gentleman. His loss will be felt deeply by many around the world, but his legacy will live on through the global contributions he made to HIV treatment, and through the many people he taught and mentored.”

The Kirby Institute extends our deepest condolences to Professor Hakim’s family, friends and colleagues.

Vale Professor James Hakim.