Webinar via Microsoft Teams
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Rata Joseph, +61 (2) 9385 0900 or info@kirby.unsw.edu.au
Kirby Institute Seminar Series presents
Mr Techalew Woldkiros Techalew Woldkiros is a PhD student at Kirby Institute with a background in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Tropical Infectious Diseases. His research focuses on improving the diagnosis and analysing the epidemiology of infectious diseases, particularly malaria, intestinal parasitic infections, sexually transmitted infections, and other bacterial and viral infections. |
Improving the diagnosis and management of childhood febrile illnesses and enhancing caregivers’ health seeking practices are among key strategies to reduce child mortality in low income countries. We conducted the first study in Ethiopia, and one of the few in Africa, to systemically investigate fever aetiologies, management practices, and clinical outcomes of acute febrile illness in children, as well as the health care seeking behaviour by their caregivers.
Opinions expressed in the Kirby Institute Seminar Series are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Kirby Institute or UNSW.